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How much does a gluten-free diet cost?

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Although official statistics are lacking in Albania, in Europe it is estimated that 1 in 100 individuals has celiac disease, a systemic disorder of an autoimmune nature induced by gluten in individuals who are genetically sensitive to it. Based on these data, it can be assumed that more than 7 million individuals are affected by this health condition across Europe, where approximately only 25% of them receive a diagnosis. This digestive health condition damages the small intestine and interferes with the absorption of nutrients from food. So, these individuals can not tolerate a protein called "gluten", which is found in wheat, rye and barley, but not only.The only treatment is to follow a very strict "gluten-free" diet.

Meeting the needs for food products for these individuals in Albania is a challenge for them, as the items in this basket, which must be 100% "gluten free" are mainly imported items and have higher prices than other items with gluten. For example, if a kg of wheat flour costs 100 lek, 1 kg of flour from "gluten-free" cereals is 5 or 6 times more. Also, other similar items, such as bread or pasta, that meet the basic needs of these individuals vary with the same increasing proportion. If we were to mention other essential foods for life such as fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, etc., which are part of the "gluten free" diet, the price of this basket would increase even more. Also, the part of dairy, which must be 100% safe without gluten, can not be provided by Albanian manufacturers. For this reason, these individuals should turn to products coming from Italy, Austria or Germany. Of course even these at higher prices. Also, this community, in order to have a life and development as normal as possible, from time to time need food supplements such as vitamins, probiotics, etc., these expenses that further burden the budget of families that have among them family members with this diagnosis / health condition. Not in vain, countries such as Italy, Austria, Germany, etc., offer a monthly reimbursement scheme that meets these special costs, for food supplements, ie safe "gluten-free" foods, since the only treatment is food. gluten-free ”, but also for occasional tests, which monitor the condition of individuals with celiac disease or food intolerance.

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